Saturday, October 25, 2008

Born to Hand Jive!!

Our stake had their 50th anniversary celebration tonight. Hannah participated in the entertainment portion. I have to give Kevin ALL the credit. Since I have school on Tuesday and Thursday night and I teach/train on Monday and Wednesday night, I was totally unavailable to take Hannah to ANY of her practices. Kevin took her to everything.Tonight when all the kids were getting dressed, Kevin made sure all the boys were put together properly. He was the only Dad helping out.During the performance he took Gavin and helped the kids get on stage so I could just enjoy the show. Hannah was so adorable! She did so well doing the hand jive. You can see her in the dark blue skirt.I loved every second of it. I appreciate all the hard work Hannah did and especially Kevin.


..::k.toms::.. said...

Kevin I'm impressed!
And you guys thought you were going to raise an athlete... I'm proud of the little dancer!

Anie said...

What a PROUD mom you must be!!! Hannah looks ADORABLE!!! She's all grown up! So Crazy!!! And way to go Kevin with being such an on the ball dad!!! That's so awesome!!! Man, you must be SUPER exhausted every night!!! When do you get time for yourself?? When do you study?? At least you have Friday night free- or do you?

Garrett and Leslie said...

Hannah was really cute that night! Garrett and I had a front row seat and we saw all the adorableness up close and personal! haha
Call me this week if you guys still want to see a movie...I think we all need a break and to have a little fun! 562-896-4691

Luisa said...

What a good dad!

The Rex Family said...

Hey! Our move was good... we had a moving truck and help so it was good! Just took one load... but I still have some little things at the apartment to take care of and i need to clean it! The unpacking has been sucky! I still have so much to unpack and Kailes party this saturday to prepare for! I think I will take a break from it all tomorrow to go to your class though!!

Beth said...

How cute is Hannah! You are luckey to have a husband who is such a big help1

Robin said...

Oh my gosh that is so freaking cute! Props to Kevin you little McMomma you! Court you are a machine-mom and school and everything else! Well good to hear from you!

Eldredge greatness said...

alright maybe kevins redeeming himself here for not wearing the costume you made him.