Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gavin and Vanna

Gavin's hair is a controversial subject in this house. I like it clean cut, whereas Kevin likes it longer. I respect Kevin and don't cut Gavin's hair behind his back (anymore). I was shocked to call him on Sunday to see how everything was going and he told me Gavin got his hair cut! (I was taking a certification test all day). Kevin said Gavin was so good. Which brings me to another point. Vanna... he is our "hair stylist" at SuperCuts. Yes, I said SuperCuts. This guy is amazing... the only reason why he is not on Rodeo Dr. is because he is straight from Cambodia, or Burma... something like that. (So politically correct.) He is amazing! He gave Gavin the cutest hair cut. Vanna LOVED Gavin because he sat so still.


heather said...

Gavin looks so cute holding still for Vanna. It will be nice when Wendy has long enough hair to do something with it (right now she looks like a balding old man)

Anie said...

It's so crazy to me how much Gavin and Hannah look alike!! I'm excited to see what my second kid looks like!!